Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Starting point

After four years of undergrad that ended with a B.S in Psychology and two years of grad school which resulted in a M.S in Child and Family studies, I realized this evening, yes this evening, that I would really just love to write.  I have books inside of me just begging to come out be printed and shared with the world. 
To be honest the idea has crossed my mind before, but not as a real career choice, just as a side thing, a hidden back alley hobby that I didn't tell folks about.  I'm not sure if it was fear, ignorance, or tunnel vision that prevented me from seriously persuing this path earlier.  Most likely a mixture of all three.  At any rate I'm going to change all of that and make it happen.  I'm keeping this blog to chronicle my experience and to hold myself accountable.  By putting it out there to the world I'm looking for support from and to support anyone who has ever dreamed a dream and dared to make it happen.  So wether you are trying to get published like me, starting your own business, or just learning a new language I invite you to join me on my journey to make my ideas a reality and hopefully inspire you to do the same.
So here I am books in my head, desire in my heart and determination in my spirit, wish me strength to make my own luck.

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